Регистрирайте се за участие в наградите Ротаракторски 2015-2016 проект с изключителна стойност
Дата: 22.08.2015

Submit your entry for the 2015-16 Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards. Rotaract clubs around the world change lives by developing innovative solutions to community challenges both locally and globally.

The purpose of the Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards is to recognize exceptional community or international service projects that further the goals of Rotary International.

Submit your entry for the 2015-16 Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards
Rotaract clubs around the world change lives by developing innovative solutions to community challenges both locally and globally. Tell us about your club or district’s high-impact, sustainable project aligned with Rotary’s areas of focus. Share your success and get recognized for your outstanding service. Complete the nomination form by 1 February. Discover inspiring projects from the 2014-15 winners.
